Georgia is a small country of 3.7 million inhabitants located south of the Greater Causacus range. It has an area of 70000 km² and borders the Black Sea to the west, Russia to the north, Turkey and Armenia to the south and Azerbaijan to the east. The territory is to a large extent mountainous, with the tallest peaks over 5000m high (Mount Shkhara at 5068m). In the 12th and 13th century a unified kingdom existed in Georgia. This was followed by occupation by a series of foreign powers (Mongols, Ottomans, Persians). In the 19th century Georgia became part of the Russian empire. Since 1991 Georgia has been an independent country. Georgia has its own distinctive culture: its language, Georgian, is not an Indoeuropean language and Georgia has its own state church (the Georgian Orthodox church). Georgia has plenty of historical sites and beautiful sceneries, especially in the Greater Caucasus mountain range. It has a good tourist infrastructure and travelling there is relatively inexpensive. Its capital is the city of Tbilisi.
Tbilisi photo gallery  - 121 pictures of Tbilisi
Upper Svaneti photo gallery  - 109 pictures of Upper Svaneti
Jvari photo gallery  - 16 pictures of Jvari
Mtskheta photo gallery  - 46 pictures of Mtskheta
121 photos of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia
109 photos of Upper Svaneti, a mountainous region in the Caucasus range in northern Georgia
16 photos of the Jvari monastery, where Christianity was introduced to Georgia in 337
46 photos of Mtskheta, the main religious site in Georgia
Uplistsikhe photo gallery  - 22 pictures of Uplistsikhe
Gori photo gallery  - 26 pictures of Gori
Military highway and Kazbegi photo gallery  - 45 pictures of Military highway and Kazbegi
22 photos of Uplistsikhe, an ancient cave city in central Georgia
26 photos of Gori in Georgia, the birthplace of Joseph Stalin
45 photos of the Kazbegi region with the iconic Gergeti Trinity church
Kutaisi photo gallery  - 65 pictures of Kutaisi
Kakheti photo gallery  - 103 pictures of Kakheti
Ananuri fortress photo gallery  - 15 pictures of Ananuri fortress
65 photos of Kutaisi, the legislative capital of Georgia
103 photos of Kakheti, a wine growing region in eastern Georgia with lots of history
15 photos of the Ananuri fortress on the Aragvi river in Georgia
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