The Kelabit highlands are located in the Malaysian state of Sarawak, in the centre of the island of Borneo. They are one of the remotest places I've ever been, as the only way to get there is by plane. There are no boats and roads leading there and the only way to get out of there if there are no flights is to walk for two hours across the jungle until the logging road and from there take a logging truck. The Kelabit highlands lye at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level and have a relatively fresh climate. They are home to Penan and Kelabit people- the latter are also known as long ear people, because of their long ear lobes. The Kelabits were 'civilised' only after WWII.
Bario, the major settlement in the area, is a major rice producing location, with rice farms fields everywhere. The Bario rice is of excellent quality, much better than Thai rice.
37 photos of the town of Bario, the airport, the Pa Umor and Pa Ukat longhouses and the treks
31 photos of rice fields and rice cultivation in Bario. Bario is famous for its rice.
16 photos of the people living in Bario
25 photos of plants and flowers in the Kelabit highlands
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©Copyright Alfred Molon