Pamukkale is actually a combination of two sites: the well-known white rock terraces with water pools (Pamukkale) and the less known archaeological site of Hierapolis. Pamukkale is located in western Turkey, about 180km from the Mediterranean coast. The white rock terraces consist of travertine rock and were formed by a hot spring saturated with calcite. As the water flows down the slopes, the mineral in the water is deposited along the way, creating a series of water pools. The rock is mostly white, but there are also different colours here and there.
Hierapolis was founded as a spa town by the Attalid kings of Pergamon at the end of the 2nd century BC. It became part of the Roman empire in 133 BC and was significantly expanded over the next centuries. A number of structures are left, among which an amphitheatre is the most significant. Hierapolis-Pamukkale has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 1988.
How to get to Pamukkale
From the coast it takes about 2:30 - 3 hours to reach Pamukkale by car.
There are many hotels directly adjacent Pamukkale, most bookable via the international booking portals.
01 Southern Byzantine gate in Hierapolis 02 Ancient theatre
03 Hierapolis 04 Ancient theatre
05 Ancient Roman ruins in Hierapolis 06 Arch in Hierapolis 07 Travertine terraces 08 Turquoise water pools with tourists
09 Travertine terraces 10 Calcium carbonate rock formations 11 Turquoise water pools with tourists
12 Travertine rock terraces in Pamukkale 13 Calcium carbonate rock formations 14 Calcium carbonate rock formations
15 Tourists in water pools 16 Calcium carbonate rock formations 17 Calcium carbonate rock formations
18 Hierapolis ruins 19 Pamukkale
20 White rock water terraces 21 Travertine rock water pools
22 Hierapolis ruins 23 Travertine rock terraces in Pamukkale 24 White rock water terraces
25 Ancient theatre 26 Ancient theatre
27 Ancient theatre 28 White rock formation at night
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