The walled city of Samhuram (aka Khor Rori, Sumhuram, Samharam) was founded in the 1st century AD as a port for the frankincense trade. It lied on a hill overlooking a lagoon, which acted a natural harbour. The nearby wadi flowing into the sea was a source of fresh water. Samhuram was most active until the 4th century AD. The ruins of the city were rediscovered in the late 19th century. The first excavations were carried out in the 1950s by the American Foundation for the study of Man. Samhuram can be easily reached by car from Salalah (40km to the east). It has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 2000.
01 Samhuram 02 Samhuram
03 City walls 04 City walls 05 City walls
06 Samhuram ruins 07 Khor Rori lagoon
08 Khor Rori lagoon 09 Samhuram ruins
10 Samhuram ruins 11 Samhuram ruins 12 Samhuram ruins 13 Samhuram
14 Samhuram and Khor Rori lagoon 15 City walls and Khor Rori lagoon
16 Khor Rori lagoon 17 Ruins of storehouses 18 Ruins of storehouses
19 City walls 20 City walls 21 Buildings in Samhuram
22 Central square
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