There are several interesting museums in Munich: the Deutsches Museum is focused on science and technology, while the Pinakothek der Moderne is the biggest museum for modern art in Germany. The paleontological museum is a small museum with fossiles of prehistoric animals. The Bavarian National Museum is a large art museum.
01 Deutsches Museum 02 Deutsches Museum 03 Astronomical clock in Deutsches Museum 04 Deutsches Museum and Isar bridge 05 Deutsches Museum and Isar bridge 06 Deutsches Museum bas-relief
07 Pinakothek der Moderne 08 Pinakothek der Moderne 09 Fossil in paleontological museum 10 Fossil in paleontological museum 11 Paleontological museum
12 Bavarian national museum 13 Bavarian national museum 14 Neue Pinakothek
15 Brandhorst museum 16 Alte Pinakothek 17 Alte Pinakothek
18 Glyptothek 21 Lenbachhaus 22 Lenbachhaus
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