The German World War II memorial is located 10km west of El Alamein on a small hill. It has an octagonal shape, somehow modeled after Castel del Monte in Apulia and was built in 1959. The memorial has a circular inner court, which is flanked by a colonnade. At the centre of the inner court there is an obelisk made of German basalt.
01 Stone board 02 German war memorial 03 German cenotaph 04 German memorial and flag 05 Cenotaph
06 German memorial 07 Inner court with pillars 08 Inner court with pillars 09 Stone sarcophagi and bronze tables with names of fallen soldiers 10 Inner court with pillars
11 Shrine with golden wall 12 Shrine with golden wall 13 Ribbons and wreaths 14 Spiral stairs 15 Spiral stairs
16 Museum
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