The island of Mactan lies opposite Cebu city, being only separated from Cebu island by a narrow channel. The airport of Cebu is located here. Mactan island is a tourist centre with several higher end hotels on its eastern coast. There are no sandy beaches, except for the artificial ones which the hotels set up for themselves. The sea surrounding Mactan however is beautiful and very photogenic. Despite being a tourist centre, the tourist infrastructure is relatively underdeveloped. There are for instance very few independent travel agencies or tourist restaurants.
01 Hotel swimming pool 02 Sea with double outrigger canoe 03 Camotes sea 04 Double outrigger canoes
05 Sea and clouds
06 Panoramic view of coast
07 Sea and clouds 08 Beach
09 Double outrigger canoes anchored near quay 10 Double outrigger canoes
11 Double outrigger canoes anchored near beach 12 Beach
13 Parasailing 14 Diving boat with tourists 15 Camotes sea
16 Sea and clouds 17 Beach 18 Beach
19 Mactan Marina mall 20 Mactan Marina mall 21 Beach at low tide
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