Currently the eastern end of the Imbak canyon is open for visitors and has Accommodation and a tourist infrastructure. The Imbak canyon studies centre is located at the entrance to the Imbak canyon and has been completed in November 2016. It is a huge complex, consisting of several buildings spread over an area of 200m x 300m, with Accommodation capable of housing 600 visitors (comfortable units with air conditioning and private bathroom, as well as a hostel; electricity available from 7am to 11pm).
In August 2017 there were about 50 employees working there and the centre was receiving about 80 visitors per month, mostly researchers, but this number was expected to rise substantially. The primary purpose of the Imbak canyon studies centre is scientific research, but the centre also welcomes tourists.
The facilities include a library, a theatre, the office building with the reception, living quarters for researchers and tourists, a hostel, a large kitchen building, VIP houses, staff quarters, a laboratory, six research stations and an environmental education complex.
01 Visitor accomodation area 02 Visitor accomodation area 03 VIP lodges
04 VIP accomodation 05 Visitor accomodation area 06 VIP lodges
07 Road to staff quarters 08 Road to compound centre 09 Staff quarters
10 Kandis suspension bridge 11 Main office 12 Main office
13 Main office 14 Visitor accomodation
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