Plaza Mayor is a rectangular square in the historic centre of Madrid. It's beautifully set up, surrounded on all four sides by building facades without gaps. It is a major tourist attraction. On the square there are plenty of restaurants and at night many street artists. The square is completely a pedestrian-area without any traffic. Plaza Mayor was built during the Habsburg period in the 17th century.
01 Calle Postas street 02 Calle Postas street 03 Street artist 04 Plaza Mayor
05 Plaza Mayor 06 Plaza Mayor 07 Lamppost 08 Plaza Mayor
09 Casa de la Panaderia 10 Emblem on facade 11 Casa de la Panaderia 12 Spire 13 Gate to Calle Postas
14 Plaza Mayor 15 Felipe III equestrian statue 16 Facade with frescoes 17 Spire 18 Emblem 19 Window
20 Caricaturists 21 Plaza Mayor 22 Plaza Mayor
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