The Palermo cathedral is located along Vittorio Emanuele street. What is interesting about it is the mix of architectural styles in which it was built. Construction started in 1185 in the Arab-Norman style typical of Sicily on the site of an earlier Byzantine basilica. Over the centuries additions, alterations and restorations were made in different architectural styles. As a result the cathedral has a quite unusual shape and outline. The interior is decorated primarily in Baroque style.
01 Main cupola 02 Clock tower 03 Palermo cathedral 04 Main cupola 05 Cathedral court with St Rosalia statue
06 Nave 07 Interior with nave 08 Holy water bowl 09 Lateral section with small cupolas 10 Archbishop palace tower 11 Baroque small side cupola by Ferdinando Fuga
12 Statue of St Rosalia 13 Statue of St Rosalia 14 Baroque small side cupola by Ferdinando Fuga 15 Bonello street with archbishop palace and arcade 16 Gate to Palermo cathedral
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