The sandy beaches of Wangerooge are beautiful and are its major tourist attraction. Germany style beach chairs are everywhere on the beaches.
01 Beach at the east cup 02 The socalled Oststeert 03 The socalled Oststeert 04 North east beach
05 North east beach 06 North east beach 07 North Sea breakers 08 North Sea breakers 09 North Sea breakers
10 North Sea breakers 11 North Sea breakers 12 North Sea breakers 13 Beach life 14 Beach life
15 Beach life 16 North Sea breakers 17 North Sea breakers 18 North Sea breakers 19 Beach life
20 Beach life 21 West beach 22 West beach 23 West beach 24 Landmark of Wangerooge
25 Stranded shore crab 26 Blue jellyfish 27 Blue jellyfish 28 Breakwaters at the west coast
29 Sugar cube breakwaters 30 Breakwaters at the west coast 31 Heart-breakers 32 Sea algae
33 Stranded starfish 34 Breakwaters at the north coast 35 Beach life 36 Beach life 37 Cafe Pudding
38 Early in the morning 39 Early in the morning
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©Copyright Alfred Molon