In the bazaar locally produced dried fruits and especially raisins from the nearby grape farms are sold, as well as handicrafts and traditional clothes. The bazaar itself is relatively small. Bread and the Turkish style flat bread is sold too in the bazaar.
01 Dried fruits 02 Different sorts of raisins 03 Raisins 04 Market scene with bread stalls 05 Flat bread stalls
06 Different sorts of raisins 07 Different sorts of raisins 08 Different sorts of raisins 09 Handicraft shop 10 Nuts and dried fruits seller
11 Nuts 12 Dried fruits 13 Fresh fruits stall 14 Fresh fruits stall
15 Bananas stall and seller 16 Bananas and apples stalls 17 Red apples 18 Stall with red apples 19 Uighur bread
20 Uighur bread 21 Uighur flat bread 22 Uighur flat bread 23 Uighur flat bread 24 Uighur bread 25 Uighur bread seller
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