A selection of pictures of Coimbra, the Oxford of Portugal. It is mostly known for its university which was founded in 1290. The town was founded by the Moors and became Portugal's capital after it was recaptured by the Portuguese 850 years ago. Near Coimbra lie the Conimbriga ruins which date back to the Roman empire.
01 Coimbra 02 Coimbra 03 Coimbra 04 Coimbra 05 Coimbra - Se Velha 06 Coimbra - Se Velha
07 Coimbra - Se Nova 08 View over Mondego river 09 Coimbra University 10 Coimbra University 11 Coimbra University
12 Coimbra University 13 Coimbra 14 Coimbra 15 Coimbra 16 Azulejo
17 Conimbriga ruins 18 Conimbriga ruins 19 Conimbriga ruins
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