The Lidzbark castle (Burg Heilsberg in German) is a medieval castle in the northeast of Poland, not far from the border to the Russian Kaliningrad oblast. The castle is built with red bricks and covers an area of about 50m x 50m, along the banks of the Lyna river. On the eastern side there is a watery moat.
The castle was built between 1350 and 1401 as the seat of the Warmian bishops and was part of royal Prussia between 1466 and 1772.
In the basement there are interesting cellar rooms, while on the first floor there is the vaulted grand refectory, a chapel and some other rooms with exhibitions.
The castle wasn't destroyed during the war and is in a remarkably good shape, with most 14th and 15th century structures still intact.
How to get to the Lidzbark castle
The castle can easily be reached by car. The closest airport is the one in Olsztyn which has flights to a few European cities.
There are a number of hotels in Lidzbark WarmiƄski and more in the area around it, all bookable via the international booking portals.
01 Lidzbark castle 02 Lidzbark castle and moat 03 Moat and willow 04 Round tower 05 Courtyard
06 Lidzbark castle 07 Lidzbark castle 08 Lidzbark castle 09 Castle turret 10 Lidzbark castle
11 Vaulted cellar 12 Vaulted cellar 13 Vaulted cellar 14 Cellar door and staircase 15 Basement corridor
16 Basement corridor 17 Room with vaulted roof 18 Room with vaulted roof 19 Glass window 20 Room with vaulted roof
21 Room with vaulted roof 22 Vaulted roof 23 Chapel 24 Chapel roof 25 Organ pipes
26 Chapel 27 Chapel 28 Chapel roof and organ 29 Arcaded gallery 30 Great refectory
31 Lidzbark Warminski village 32 Inner court 33 Lidzbark castle 34 Lidzbark castle
35 Parking 36 Lidzbark castle 37 Lidzbark castle 38 St Peter and Paul church in Kiwity
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