Together with Taman Negara, the Endau Rompin national park contains some of the world's oldest rainforests. The park is surrounded by a belt of palm oil plantations, but inside the park there is high quality primary rainforest, with majestic, tall trees. Near the Selai forest camp there are trails which lead to various waterfalls scattered along the Selai river. Due to the high humidity of the area (it rains almost every day), there are many leeches.
01 Selai river 02 Selai river 03 Selai river 04 Signboard 05 Treetops
06 Treetops 07 Tall tree 08 Rainforest 09 Selai river 10 Rainforest
11 Tropical rainforest 12 Palm tree 13 Forest trail 14 Forest trail 15 Selai river
16 Selai river 17 Selai river 18 Rainforest 19 Millipedes 20 Millipedes
21 Forest trail 22 Fern 23 Selai river
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