The Nurzhol boulevard connects the presidential palace with the Khan Shatyr. Adjacent to it is a huge pedestrian area with greenery, flower beds, fountains and sculptures, surrounded by lots of sophisticated architecture. The Northern Lights is a huge apartment complex consisting of three towers, while the Emerald towers are used for business purposes. Roughly in the middle lies the Keruen mall, a huge modern mall with stores selling western branded goods, a supermarket and a food court on the top.
01 Nurzhol boulevard 02 Flower beds on Nurzhol boulevard 03 Horse sculptures
04 Horse sculptures 05 Golden man statue 06 Keruen shopping mall 07 Keruen shopping mall and fountain
08 Northern lights and Emerald towers 09 Northern lights apartment towers 10 Keruen shopping mall 11 Horse sculptures
12 Fountain 13 Keruen shopping mall 14 Food court in Keruen shopping mall
15 Emerald towers 16 Emerald towers 17 Emerald and Northern Lights towers 18 Transport and communications ministry 19 Northern lights towers at night
20 Emerald towers at night 21 Northern lights and Emerald towers at night
22 Keruen mall at night
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