The coastline of Qeshm consists to a large extent of beaches. Most are sandy, but a few have some rocks. Near Qeshm city there is a beach with services accessible to the public in the Zeytoon park. Swimming here is prohibited due to the eagle rays. About 11km from Qeshm city along the southern coast there is a beach establishment with good infrastructure (the 'plage').
01 Zeytoon beach 02 Woman walking along beach rocks 03 Zeytoon beach 04 Rocky Zeytoon beach
05 Rocky Zeytoon beach 06 Coral rocks 07 Woman with child 08 People on Zeytoon beach
09 Women with child 10 Scuba divers 11 Board warning of eagle rays on Zeytoon beach 12 Shoe print in sand
13 Plage beach 14 Stranded oil rig near beach 15 Gazebo
16 Plage beach 17 Plage beach
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