Some miscellaneous images of Isfahan. The Barbari bread tastes good and is incredibly cheap. Also in Isfahan they sell the oriental style of ice cream found in several other middle eastern countries.
01 Jolfa Armenian quarter 02 Jolfa Armenian quarter 03 Jolfa Armenian quarter 04 People walking on Si-o-seh Pol bridge
05 People walking on Si-o-seh Pol bridge 06 Young Iranian women sitting on wall 07 Cars on Enghelab square 08 Women walking on Enghelab square
09 Mud brick wall 10 Mud brick wall 11 Mud brick wall 12 Barbari bread bakery 13 Barbari bread
14 Barbari bread 15 Ice-cream parlour 16 Ice-cream parlour 17 Ice-cream parlour 18 Pastries
19 Shopping mall at night 20 ZFC restaurant
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