Manado is a medium sized city located at the northeastern tip of Sulawesi island, 2200km northeast of Jakarta and 1500km north of Bali. The city does not have too many tourist attractions, but is a regional travel hub with direct flights to Jakarta, Bali, Maluku, Makassar, Borneo, West Papua, Singapore and some Chinese cities.
Manado was discovered by the Europeans in the 16th century, and became initially a Spanish, then Portuguese and finally a Dutch colony. Manado was bombed in World War II by the Americans.
Tourists come to Manado mainly to visit the nearby Bunaken marine park (a diving hotspot), the Tangkoko national park and the Minahasa highlands region.
How to get to Manado
Manado is easily accessible by plane from a number of locations in Indonesia.
There are several hotels, most bookable via the international booking portals or directly on the hotel websites.
01 Lion parcel plane in Manado airport 02 Airport 03 Rumambi street
04 Manado skyline 05 IT center mall
06 Christ blessing statue 07 Jesus blesses statue 08 Megamall shopping mall
09 Harbour 10 Tourist boats in harbour 11 Harbour
12 Manado skyline
13 Manado coastline
14 Soekarno bridge 15 Street in Chinatown 16 Ban Hing Kiong Chinese temple 17 Ban Hing Kiong Chinese temple
18 Boats carrying goods 19 Boats carrying goods 20 Airport departure hall
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