Tegernsee is a small city of 3700 inhabitants on the shores of the homonymous lake in the alpine landscape of upper Bavaria. It lies 50km south of Munich and 20km north of Austria.
The area has been settled since the early stone age, but the recorded history started in the 6th century AD with the arrival of the Bavarians. The Tegernsee abbey, the only historical site in the city, dates back to the 10th century although the structures visible today were built in Baroque style between 1684 and 1688.
Tegernsee is pleasant place where to spend a Sunday afternoon having a beer in one of the outdoor cafes or from which to start a trek into the neighbouring mountains.
How to get to Tegernsee
Tegernsee can easily be reached by car from Munich and even has a small train station with direct trains to Munich.
There are a few hotels directly in Tegernsee and many more on the southern and western shores of the Tegernsee lake, all bookable via the international booking portals.
01 St Quirinus church 02 Beer garden 03 Tegernsee lake
04 Waterfront with Schloss cafe 05 Lakeshore with cafes 06 Waterfront cafe 07 Waterfront cafe
08 Waterfront with Schloss cafe 09 Waterfront with Schloss cafe 10 Tegernsee lake 11 St Quirinus church
12 Tegernsee abbey 13 Tegernsee abbey 14 Kurgarten park
15 Kurgarten park 16 St Quirinus basilica 17 Tegernsee abbey 18 Beer garden 19 Beer
20 Meadow 21 Tegernsee lake 22 Tegernsee lake
23 Kurgarten park
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