The Luxor temple lies at the southern end of the Thebes temple complex on the east bank of the Nile river. It extends from northeast to southwest over an area of 260m x 80m and is connected to the Karkak temples through a 2 km long sphinx avenue. The temple was built during the reign of the New Kingdom pharaoh Amenhotep III (1390-1352 BC) and expanded under Ramses II. The temple is dedicated to the worship of the Egyptian god Amun, his wife Mut and the moon god Khons. The temple ruins are impressive, starting with the mighty pylon at the northeastern end through a series of halls and columnades.
01 Sphinx avenue 02 First pylon and obelisk 03 Red granite obelisk 04 Red granite obelisk 05 Red granite obelisk 06 Red granite obelisk 07 Carvings on red granite obelisk
08 Carvings on red granite obelisk 09 Temple entrance 10 Bust of pharao 11 Inside the temple
12 Connecting stones with carvings 13 Stone carvings depicting pharaos and Egyptian gods 14 Abu el-Haggag mosque
15 Sitting Ramesses II statue 16 Sitting Ramesses II statue 17 Stone carvings 18 Egyptian god Thoth 19 Stone carvings 20 Isis goddess
21 Broken columns 22 Carvings on obelisk 23 Carvings on obelisk 24 Hypostyle hall 25 Bas-relief 26 Bas-relief 27 Statues of pharao and queen
28 Hypostyle hall 29 Hypostyle hall 30 Colonnade 31 Pillars 32 Hypostyle hall
33 Hypostyle hall 34 Hypostyle hall 35 Bas-relief with original colours 36 Bas-relief 37 Bas-relief 38 Gate
39 Double row of columns 40 Hypostyle hall 41 Hypostyle hall 42 Hypostyle hall 43 Hypostyle hall at night
44 Hypostyle hall at night 45 Luxor temple at night 46 Columns at night
47 Luxor temple at night 48 Luxor temple at night
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