Jaisalmer photo gallery  - 53 pictures of Jaisalmer
Jerusalem photo gallery  - 147 pictures of Jerusalem
Vatican city photo gallery  - 72 pictures of Vatican city
Kyoto photo gallery  - 112 pictures of Kyoto
53 photos of the golden city in the Thar desert
147 photos of Jerusalem, the most significant city in Israel, home to the holiest sites of the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths
72 photos of St. Peter's basilica, the vatican museums and St. Peter's square
112 photos of Kyoto, the cultural centre of Japan and its former imperial capital
Petra photo gallery  - 118 pictures of Petra
Gyeongju photo gallery  - 118 pictures of Gyeongju
Xieng Khouang photo gallery  - 140 pictures of Xieng Khouang
Plain of Jars photo gallery  - 49 pictures of Plain of Jars
Fes photo gallery  - 85 pictures of Fes
118 photos of Petra, the forgotten city carved into the rock in southern Jordan
118 photos of Gyeongju, a major tourist centre and historical site in Korea
140 photos of the Xieng Khouang province in northern Laos with the Plain of Jars, its capital Phonsavan and photos of scenery, villages and Lao people
49 photos of the Plain of Jars with its huge stone jars
85 photos of the imperial city of Fes, whose Medina is one of the largest living medieval cities in the world
Marrakech photo gallery  - 103 pictures of Marrakech
Meknes photo gallery  - 40 pictures of Meknes
Volubilis photo gallery  - 36 pictures of Volubilis
103 photos of Marrakech, a city in southern Morocco with a well-preserved medina and ancient souks
40 photos of Meknes, a city in northern Morocco with an interesting Medina and a royal palace
36 photos of the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Volubilis in northern Morocco
Bagan photo gallery  - 112 pictures of Bagan
Mandalay photo gallery  - 143 pictures of Mandalay
Old town photo gallery  - 50 pictures of Old town
Ayutthaya photo gallery  - 87 pictures of Ayutthaya
112 photos of the historic site of Bagan (Pagan) with its temples and pagodas
143 photos of the royal capital of Mandalay with its temples and palaces
50 photos of the Old Town in Warsaw including the Royal Castle, St. John's cathedral and the Old Town Square
87 photos of the historic city of Ayutthaya, Thailand's first capital
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